In Dakar, Senegal, Africa. Sister Regina, of the Order of the Child Jesus, dedicates her life to helping girls from 11 to 14 years of age to direct their lives in a dignified way. The Centre gives formation to about 120 young girls. They learn language (French and Wolof), arithmetic, computing, preventive health care, childcare, cooking and balanced nutrition, vocational training in dressmaking and various handicrafts, and hotel management. When they finish their three-year training, they are offered the possibility of learning to work professionally in an open workshop or to start their own micro-restaurant with a micro-credit which, when they are able to earn a living, will be passed on to another companion to start them on their way.
Contact: Soeur Regina, B.P. 20030 Thiaroye Sam-Sam III Dakar - SENEGAL Tel: (+221) 77 5 018 267
See video RTVE from minute 12 here
How to help?
By visiting the center, helping to sell handicrafts, making a donation.
Donations: Bank transfer to Cta in Spain or Senegal.
Account in Spain:
Beneficiary: Casado Rodriguez Etelvina Casado Rodriguez
Banco Español de Credito
Nº 0030 6175 59 0000134271 .
I B A N. ES 27
Account in Senegal:
IBAN SN89 SN01 0015 SN01 0015 2001 5305 0001 5018
BP.20030 Thiaroye Sam Sam III- DAKAR
BICI SENEGAL DAKAR=Banque Internationale pour le Comerce et l'Industrie du Senegal
CODE = SN010 01520 015305000150 18
Important: Maison Karité collaborates with the Center to the extent of its possibilities but encourages anyone who wishes to maintain a direct contact and donation or help without intermediaries.